DeliverE Networks Privacy Policy

Your privacy and trust online is central to DeliverE Networks. Our relationship with you is dependent on your willingness to trust our organization and our ability to demonstrate that we manage information responsibly, securely and with integrity.

Trust is built on three basic principles: disclosure, consent and control - we provide all of these. Below is information regarding our commitment to implement practices that provide you with the value and trust necessary to build a relationship with us.

Industry Organizations to Protect Consumer Privacy

DeliverE Networks is committed to protecting consumer privacy online. We work with public policy organizations, industry groups, and government institutions to understand and address online privacy issues.

DeliverE Networks Privacy Statement

As a member of the DeliverE Network, you have confirmed a registration at one of the following sites. If requested, we are happy to provide the date you confirmed registration by responding to welcome e-mail.

Introduction to DeliverE Networks' Business Model

DeliverE Networks operates 3 interrelated lines of business: registration data collection, e-mail hosting and delivery (for third party clients) and e-mail marketing.

Registration Data Collection

DeliverE Network sites runs sweepstakes and contests on a continuous basis. We run advertising campaigns for the purpose of encouraging people to register to win prizes online. One objective of the program is to gain an opportunity to ask individuals to participate in various marketing programs. Today, we ask people if they would like to register for our DeliverE e-mail marketing program, participate in polls, or participate in other 3rd party marketing programs.

We collect several types of data during the registration stage. We collect information classified as personally identifiable such as: name, address, phone number and e-mail. We also collect information that is not personally identifiable such as: birth date, zip code, gender, income etc. and we may also ask several survey style questions to collect lifestyle and purchase intent information. We follow all FTC guidelines for operating sweepstakes and contests and we prohibit people declared as under age from participating. All information is maintained in strict confidence and is used only in accordance with an individual's wishes.

The primary purpose of the registration data is to maintain a record of who has entered the contests and to ensure the winners can be contacted through land mail, phone or e-mail. If an individual does not choose to opt-in to any other program, the registration data is used solely for the purposes of the contest administration and for data modeling. The data modeling process constructs a statistical model from the non-personally identifiable data collected through registrations in combination with general consumer surfing behavior. These models are used to predict demographic and lifestyle categories for consumers who exhibit similar surfing behavior.

In cases where an online registrant has agreed to share their information with third parties, DeliverE Networks will make that information available to selected partners. At any time, registrants can choose to change their preference and we will not share that information from the point when that preference is chosen. Finally, selected partners of DeliverE Networks will share information with DeliverE Networks about those members of their programs that have agreed to share information with third parties.

Unsubscribing and Updating Personally Identifiable Information

Should you decide that you do not wish DeliverE Networks to use your profile for any of the services we provide, simply send an e-mail to with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject and provide your name and address. We will process your request and send you a confirmation e-mail.

Online Advertising

DeliverE Networks operates a high volume online advertising service. On behalf of hundreds of advertisers we operate banner advertising campaigns across thousands of web-sites on a daily basis. We provided 'targeted' advertising based on one or more of the demographic segments (gender, age, income, etc.), geographic segments (country, state, zip code, etc.), technographic segments (operating system, browser, domain, etc.), or circumstantial segment (time of day, web page, keyword search terms). DeliverE Networks uses "cookies" to understand web surfing behavior and ultimately to establish segmentation (e.g. demographic, geographic). "Cookies" are small amounts of data that a web-site can store on a user's PC on a temporary or a permanent basis. They are used to remember preferences and shopping cart entries, or more typically for persistent identification of this browser to a web-site. Only the web-site that 'sets' the cookie can 'read' the cookie.

DeliverE Networks uses cookies primarily to remember repeat users, but it also uses cookies to maintain campaign frequency and for other campaign housekeeping functions. In the course of operating online advertising campaigns, due to existing web protocols, DeliverE Networks can collect data related to the current advertising transaction. At the point of getting a request for an ad from a browser, the following information is made available: IP address, DeliverE Networks cookie, Web-page the banner is requested from, Search Terms (if in a search context), Browser type and Operating system type. This information is used in some cases for "immediate targeting" but it is also collected and analyzed to find predictive patterns of behavior. For example, we may find that a certain pattern is a strong predictor of gender. See the section on Registration Data Collection for more information.

Opting-out and Updating Information

Although users can't opt-out of the advertising process, they may control the data collection and targeting process by "opting-out". To opt-out,

E-mail Marketing (DeliverE)

DeliverE Networks operates a high volume e-mail marketing service called DeliverE. The service is provided to consumers who have specifically (and actively) registered, with DeliverE Networks or one of our partners, to receive online promotions. We require our partners to certify that they have received an opt-in from individual users. Our service will only e-mail those people that have provided their express permission to be e-mailed, and we do not send e-mail to people who have told us they are under 18. All reasonable precautions are taken to ensure this policy is adhered to, and each e-mail sent by DeliverE offers users the ability to unsubscribe. During the registration process, users share as much information as they are comfortable disclosing. This information is used to ensure that offers made by merchants are delivered to individuals with matching preferences or interests or demographics. All DeliverE Networks, and partner-contributed, information is kept in strict confidence. To unsubscribe from the DeliverE service, or to update your information, please visit or contact DeliverE Networks at